Jesus on my dashboard


I don’t care if it
Rains or freezes
As long as I’ve got my
Plastic Jesus
Ridin’ on the dashboard
Of my car                                          “Plastic Jesus”  -Ed Rush and George Cromarty:1957.

I totally love my plastic dashboard Jesus, he is my silent, bobbing companion through every car journey long or short. He makes me smile as I get in the driver’s seat, he makes me chuckle as he gently sways on a smooth road, and he makes me laugh out load when he is violently bouncing up and down on the more bumpy streets.

I kind of think that the real Jesus would like his plastic replica and would find him equally amusing in the best of kitsch ways (I love a bit of kitsch- check out for some truly fantastic stuff. The Soccer playing Jesus statue is an all time classic!).  Some of you may find this all a bit irreverent, but the real Jesus is the one who hung out with tax collectors and prostitutes, healed on the sabbath and turned water into wine…I think he was irreverent enough himself!

The very, very cool thing is that I know that the real Jesus, who I am sure can sway and jig up and down like the best of us, is my everywhere, everyday companion, not just in the car…and I know that sounds cheesy, but hey I love cheesy as much as I love Kitsch!