Only a ginger…

So, my hair is going white, not grey, white.

It  started oh so sneakily, without me even noticing really. Little flashes of white like highlights at my temples, the odd stray white at my crown.  And now, if I look in a mirror in natural daylight, they are everywhere.

But, you know what? I like it. I like how it makes my ginger hair look more strawberry blond. I like how it adds layers of highlight and tone to my frizzy mop top.

But even more than all that, I am amazed at how fearfully and wonderfully made we humans are. How creative to design our bodies so that as we get older, we get more interesting. Our faces become patterned with creases and lines, and our hair develops natural high and low lights (at no cost).


I am going to celebrate my ginger turning white hair. It is a happy sign that God is definitely not finished with me yet.